030 - 577 03 286 info@alesco-concepts.de

We create that red thread.

Graphic Design

The Foundation of Your Public Image.

Recognition Is Key.

Your corporate design should have a theme.

Striking presence with brand recognition is the key to attracting attention and staying memorable. From business cards to image brochures, from letterheads to large posters, we take on every design requirement and give your company a unique profile nobody will forget.

Web Design

The Internt Is Your Home.

Attraction in the World Wide Web.

An appealing web presence depending on message and audience.

Today, an internet presence has to be more than just visually appealing. Readability and user-friendliness are fundamental components of a professional online presence. Integrated into the corporate design line and supported by an intelligent content management system (CMS), your users should be able to access the relevant content easily and intuitively. When designing your website, we ensure that visitors are happy to click through it several times.


How to be Viewed.

Capturing moments.

With the right picture everyone can understand you.

Whether for documentation or illustration: the right picture is often worth a thousand words. Let our experienced photographers put people, events, or even products in the right light, also as moving images. Afterwards, we prepare the image material to suit your needs.


Effectively visualise ideas.

When Motion Moves.

You can tell stories with a film.

Wir setzen Sie richtig in Szene und produzieren für Sie Videomaterial jedweden Inhalts. So gibt es z. B. die Möglichkeit, eine Idee, Person oder ein Unternehmen in Form von Imagefilmen darzustellen oder auch Botschaften mittels Interviews oder Lehrvideos zu verbreiten. Im Anschluss an den Dreh werden in der Post Production die Inhalte, Ton- und Bildqualität zielgruppengerecht bearbeitet, um ein optimales Ergebnis zu erhalten. Wir haben das Auge und das Händchen, um aus einer Abfolge von Einzelbildern einen auf Sie zugeschnittenen Film werden zu lassen. Gern bearbeiten wir hierzu auch Ihr vorhandenes Filmmaterial.


You want to talk to us? You want an offer?


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